Take a look at my work🙈

This is what i have done so far.

beauty website
Beauty app

This website is Html, Css and a bit of javascript. It challenged the creative side of me, i had to make the website be presentable and easy while also functioning. it was fun putting together everything i have learnt and seeing it come to life. I achieved all this in a 3 weeks course with SheCodes, it was very easy to understand the basics of becoming a front-end developer.

Launch Beauty app

      weather website
Weather app

This website is built using Html, Css and javascript with APIs to achieve it. This one challenged my coding skills, i had to apply all my knowledge and also remember the rules of a developer. it was so fun creating this and seeing it come to life and desplay correct information. Working with APIs was a bit challenging but it was a challenge i was ready and willing to take on.

Launch weather app

📧Contact me
